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On Friday, the only possible outcome of the Egyptian revolution occurred: A peaceful military coup deposing Hosni Mubarak. Dictator Mubarak has finally step down, and at this juncture it seems that his Vice President, Omar Suleiman, will be largely sidelined in the transition process. A military council will sack the cabinet, dissolve the parliament and […]
February 11, 2011Read More
Hosni Mubarak has simultaneously provoked the Egyptian revolutionaries and snubbed his nose at America and Israel. He’s enraged his enemies and burned his bridges.A so-called ‘smooth transition of power’ would have preserved the status quo. Hosni was to cooperate and step aside. Hosni has gone rogue.
February 10, 2011Read More
Bloodshed and violence, in some form, is imminent. Success is precarious. Strategies must be developed, protesters must become proactive, and actions must be planned and executed. Action or not, violence and bloodshed will be visited on those who have come this far. But, unless they take their country back, remove the regime, and establish a government of the people, there will be no gains worthy of the sacrifice. They’ve come too far. It’s victory or death.
February 8, 2011Read More

On Tuesday, Congress is voting on the renewal of three key provisions of the Patriot Act. There is nothing patriotic about the Patriot Act, unless you define patriotism as the passivity of citizens giving up their own civil liberties for the illusion of “security” under the constant intrusive eyes of an Orwellian Big Brother government. […]
February 8, 2011Read More
The last three decades have seen a monumental decline in virtually every qualitative measurement in America. This can be directly linked to the conservative political paradigm that was ushered into dominance starting with the election of Ronald Reagan in 1980. Stagnant wages, rising costs, decreasing benefits, ballooning national debt, and a loss of freedoms have been the keynote of the Reagan Era.
February 6, 2011Read More