John Lennon and Julian Assange: The Faces of Peace and Truth
Wikileaks has become a movement, and just as John Lennon became the face of the Peace movement, Julian Assange is the face of the truth movement.
The Empire Is Collapsing, and Americans Will Be the Last to Know

50 years from now historians will probably be writing about the fall of the American empire. But history is writing itself furiously in the present, accelerated by the revolution of global freedom of information. What would have taken years to unlikely gather is accessible to anyone with a few strokes on a computer keyboard. So […]
Immigration Hysteria Gone Crazy: Deporting A Resident of 50 Years
Mike Burrows came to America when he was two years old, and has lived here for 50 years. Due to a technicality in harsh anti-immigration laws, he will likely be deported to his birthplace of Canada within weeks, a country that he has no current connection to and no memory of.
Africa: With Two Presidents, Is Ivory Coast Heading For Civil War?

A standoff is unfolding in Ivory Coast. Two candidates, Laurent Gbagbo and Allasane Ouattara are both claiming an electoral victory. Results released last week gave the election win to Ouattara, but the Ivorian Constitutional Court ruled that some of the ballots in his favor were rigged. The court overturned the results by annulling the contested […]
Killing the Messenger: Corporate Media and Politicians v. Julian Assange and Wikileaks
the American Diplomatic Corps, bureaucrats, the Executive Branch, and and the nations highest legal officials, along with the ever-obedient corporate media, are scurrying for ways to shut this man up, his organization down, and the public eyes out.