Wikileaks: Exposing US And NATO’s War Crimes In Afghanistan

Today, The White House sternly condemned the release by Wikileaks of nearly 92,000 secret US military documents about the conflict in Afghanistan as “irresponsible”. The files were made available yesterday by the whistle-blower website, and include details of covert operations against top Taliban, unreported civilian killings and NATO concerns about Pakistan official ( notably agents […]
Indigenous Sovereignty Threatened by UK LaCrosse Decision
The Native American Indian confederacy of tribes known as the Iroquois Nation, or Haudenosaunee were recently denied access to the World Lacrosse Championships in England, despite their ancestors invented the sport. This brings up an important indigenous rights issue: sovereignty.
Real Estate: The Sharks Are Back Working Inside Deals With Banks

Even so the George W Bush’s Great Recession had many factors at play such as the trillion spent for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the trigger effect was the burst of the US housing market bubble. From 2002 to 2007 the banks played an active role in inflating the prices and in some area […]