Obama: No Political Cojones In Dealing With BP And Israel

The deep water BP oil spill is making the headlines on the White House web site. Yesterday on the White House blog the headline was “A Full and Vigorous Accounting of the Events”. It is a catchy headline, but it is deceiving and once again misguided. The response of the Obama administration in the last […]
The Empathetic Civilization: I, Me, Mine
We have just experienced the hottest ever Jan-Apr period in the temperature record, as well as the hottest April, and a new record 12-month global temperature. While short term records such as this are not “proof” or even necessarily evidence of climate change, they are certainly consistent with it. Yet even as the obvious changes […]
Worldwide Condemnation Of Israel Attack On Gaza Aid Ship

The United Nations called on an emergency meeting of the Security Council after Israel’s attack against a humanitarian aid boat bounded for Gaza. The unprovoked Israeli attack killed 19 people, and will increase Israel’s isolation among the international community. Today world leaders were in shock, and almost unanimously expressed their condemnation of Israel’s action. UN […]
BP’s Top Kill Strategy Fails
British Petroleum announced today that their top kill strategy to contain the massive oil leak in the Gulf has failed and they are abandoning further efforts. They are shifting efforts to a what is termed the lower marine riser package cap, where capturing oil from the leak is the goal instead of trying to stop it.