No Real Solution To Stopping Oil Spill In The Gulf Of Mexico
The oil spill that has been slowly taking over the Gulf of Mexico since April 20, has no end in sight. The 100-ton metal box that BP hoped would contain the gushing wellhead 5,000 feet deep in the ocean floor, didn’t do the trick. What’s next?
Palin And The Religious Right: A Trojan Horse In The GOP
The productive and necessary views and desires of non-religious libertarians and conservatives have been silenced in favour of the media friendly, accidentally-comic hyperbole of the entertainingly ridiculous proselytizing of Palin, Beck, et al. Rather than trying to distance itself from the increasing number of embarrassing statements while simultaneously trying to capitalizing on ever-shrinking, pop-culture, fund-raising appeal and voter turn-out, perhaps the G.O.P. needs to conduct a purge of its own.
New Evidence Supports Bipedalism For Early Hominids
An analysis of the skeletal structure needed to make 3.5 million year old footprints has revealed that our ancient, partially tree-dwelling ancestors walked on two legs. Called bipedalism, this analysis pushes back the date of our hominid ancestors.
Afghanistan: US And NATO Are Still Losing “Hearts And Minds”

The military operation in Marjah, launched in February 2010, was the first deployment after the surge of 30,000 additional troops decided by the Obama administration. The planning of the operation emphasized the needs of the Afghan people, and the importance of winning “hearts and minds”. However, according to a new report just released by the […]
Will Greece’s Social Unrest Be Contagious?

At least three people died in Athens today as protesters set fire to a bank with Molotov cocktails during a general strike and massive nationwide demonstrations against planned austerity measures. Some protesters made an attempt to storm Greece’s parliament, but were prevented by riot police firing tear gas. Protesters were taunting MPs to come out […]