AFRICOM: The US Military’s Growing Role in Africa

Few people are aware of the existence of AFRICOM, at least not in the United States. AFRICOM stand for United States Africa Command, and it is part of the foreign policy legacy of former US President George W. Bush. The neocon ideology of global US empire, prevalent during the Bush era, was at play in […]
UNESCO: Record Number Of Journalists Killed In 2009

Reporting the news, or at least trying to, is increasingly becoming a very dangerous line of work. Last year set a new record, with 77 journalists murdered worldwide. The United Nations Educational Cultural and Scientific Organization (UNESCO), is raising the alarm in a new report published today, and is calling “for an end to impunity […]
Netanyahu, In Washington, Remains Defiant On Settlements Issue

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu is in Washington. Monday, Netanyahu was greeted like a rock star at the reception held by AIPAC, for the annual conference of the most powerful Jewish lobbyist group in Washington. Judging by the speech of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the recent tensions between Washington and Jerusalem were just a flash […]
Notes From Backstage At The Massive Immigration Rally
The immigration march Sunday in Washington should have gotten more attention than it did, especially from progressive advocates. But competing with the final or near-final dance culminating an almost year-long fight for health care reform. The rally for immigration was an impressive, important, and for me, breath-taking event that was a side-show to the day’s health care developments, especially if your primary – or only –language is English.