God Is No Excuse
All of us are struggling to survive, but many are working diligently to capitalize on the discovered and created inequalities that sentence the vast majority of our fellow humans to incredible poverty, leaving a minority to live in comfort, and a fraction of a percent to wallow in absolutely perverse wealth.
Is Hillary Clinton Beating The Drums Of War Against Iran?

United States-Israel: A Glimpse At The “Special Relationship” Most Americans, and especially American politicians, value the “special relationship” that the United States has with Israel. Not only it a a constant political feature of US foreign policies ever since the creation of the Jewish state in 1948, but it has some deep implications for policy […]
Dubai Police Chief: “99 Percent Sure Mossad Behind Killing”

Israel is coming under increasing pressure over the assassination of an Senior Hamas leader in Dubai on January 20. The pressure is coming from Europe, from the Gulf state, and also from within Israel. Some Israelis have even called for Meir Dagan, the head of Mossad, and a close ally to Israel’s Prime Minister Netanyahu […]
Haiti: Sarkozy To Scrap Debt And Announce Aid Package

French President Sarkozy will visit Haiti on Wednesday. He will be the first French President to visit the Island since Haiti, a former French slave colony, became the first Black Republic in 1804. Haiti has the unique historical background to be the only slave revolt leading to the creation of an independent state. Before the […]