Hillary Clinton: “Iran Is Heading Towards Military Dictatorship”

Secretary of State Clinton made this comment while traveling in the Gulf region to drum up support for tough new international sanctions on Iran over the country’s nuclear program. “We see the government of Iran, the Supreme Leader, the President, the parliament is being supplanted and Iran is heading towards military dictatorship,” said Clinton. The […]
Is Los Angeles The Worst Managed City In America?

The Budget Crisis California has been dealing with a ballooning budget crisis for the past 8 months, but the latest flash point of major financial crisis is now hovering over the City of Angels. The city faces a budget deficit close to 1 billion, and could be effectively bankrupt by the summer. How is it […]
Allah Vs God: The Divine Identity Crisis in Malaysia
On December 31, 2009, in an attack of common sense, the Malaysian High Court overturned a 24 year ban on the use of the word ‘Allah’ by non Muslims(1). The decision unleashed a wave of destructive demonstrations and acts of vandalism across the country.
Four Things Not To Say To A Medical Marijuana Patient
If you happen to be a medical marijuana patient like me, you’re well aware that there are lots of folks who still harbor some enormous moral judgments about cannabis and those who use it medically — even in the states where it is legal. In the interest of furthering potiquette and harmonious interaction, here are four things that you might not want to say to medical marijuana patients.