Think of a Country Ruled by Death, Fear and Lies

Think of a country where the citizens have become the three monkeys that see no evil, hear no evil, and speak no evil; where numerous teenagers, women and children die everyday, but the rest of the citizens don’t even notice or feel grief about this; where life is veiled with so much darkness that the […]
In Orwellian Times a Clown Wants to Be Emperor

Interview of Gilbert Mercier with Utrice Leid March 7, 2016 Donald Trump, the frontrunner among Republican candidates in the 2016 United States presidential race, has an admirer in Jean-Marie Le Pen, founder of the far-right, trenchantly racist National Front party in France. Gilbert Mercier, Editor-in-Chief of News Junkie Post and author of The Orwellian Empire draws […]
Turkey Is Searching for Her Heart

By Akin Olgun When you try to explain a specific matter about Turkey you need to rewind to the past. When you try to explain what happened in the past, you need to travel even further back, rewind back even more… and this goes on and on, endlessly! The past and the history of the […]
Litvinenko Inquiry: Death of Justice in the United Kingdom

On January 21, 2015, Sir Robert Michael Owen, a High Court judge on the verge of retirement, in his inquiry into the death of Alexander Litvinenko made the following statement.[1] “I am sure that Mr Litvinenko did not ingest the polonium 210 either by accident or to commit suicide. I am sure, rather, that he […]
The Fake Left

By Dady Chery and Gilbert Mercier All writers with a desire to rattle people out of their torpor occasionally wonder if it is worthwhile to continue to try to raise their voices over the din of lies and distractions. More and more for us, such thoughts are occasioned, not by the mainstream, which predictably treats […]