Birmingham Citizens Fight Islamophobia: Hatred Is Not a ‘Core British Value’

Birmingham, a multi-cultural and multi-ethnic city of about one million in the United Kingdom, is reeling from the so-called Trojan Horse affair: a supposed clandestine agenda to radicalize schools that is described in an anonymous letter widely held to be a hoax. In an overwhelming show of opposition to government-driven Islamophobia, people from all backgrounds, […]
Poetry Is a Tunnel, a Forest in the Human Heart

As I move down the streets, where the fog from the sky melts with the dust, the streets become hazy…. And this reminds me of my own soul — The perennially hazy evening that my soul is. I still remember the afternoon when one of my boisterous uncles, perhaps out of concern, said to me, […]
BRICS’ Economic Power: China Makes Strides in Latin America

It is no secret that China is changing Latin America. Heedless of Washington’s interests, China, one of BRIC’s (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) most powerful members, is enriching the region for reasons all its own. Along with a handful of other Asian nations, China has even raised the prices of many Latin American exports—something […]
What Kind of Leadership Could Bring Social Justice to the Philippines?

We Filipinos face, at this juncture in our socio-political evolution as a people, some of the following nagging questions about justice. What and where is justice if those who are supposed to uphold, administer and render justice where it is due have miserably bungled justice and made a mockery of it? Who are the credible […]
Indonesia’s Elections: The Burden of Brutal Global Neoliberalism

Indonesia, the largest Muslim nation and archipelago on the planet, has climbed the ranks of global neo-liberalism to become the world’s 10th largest economy, as many newspapers announced on May 4, 2014. Within a few decades, the nation managed to increase its gross domestic product (GDP) at a fast and steady rate, primarily by exploiting […]