Foreclosures: The Scam Continues

For millions of Americans, owning a home is the grandest symbol of accomplishment into the illusion of the “American Dream”. In the United states, we have been indoctrinated to believe being a homeowner signifies success, financial stability and responsibility. My former husband and I had been renters a few years before the thought ever crossed […]
Homo Economicus: The Matrix of Capitalist Power

The figure of homo economicus, enacted within economics in formatation of postulate, moved into the economic powers’ monadological field from the second half of the 18th Century, being communitarily assumed as capitalist rationality’s paradigmatic matritial imperative, invested of causality towards effects of what Foucault called biopower. Egoist, competitive, omniscient and projective, homo economicus aimed not […]
What Went Wrong With Occupy?

By Joost van Steenis There is no unifying target of Occupy, the struggle against the one percent has been abandoned, and leaders with old leftist ideas have converted the leaderless movement into a kind of organization. The 99 percent know that, with action methods and tactics that failed in the past, real change is impossible. […]
An Attack on Iran Could Hike Oil Prices to $200 a Barrel

Road to World War III: A “Final Solution” for Iran, Syria and Hezbollah In his last appearance in front of the United Nations, Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu stressed the importance of not letting the Iranians cross what he called a “red line”. Netanyahu showed a childish graphic, but regardless of how crude his illustration […]
Biodiversity and Sustainability Are Closely Linked to Language and Culture

An unprecedented study of global biological and cultural diversity paints a dire picture of the state of our species. Like the amphibians that climb to ever tinier areas at higher altitudes to avoid being extinguished by global warming, most of the world’s species currently huddle in a tiny fraction of the Earth’s surface, and most […]