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Such a great relationship exists between the Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and his fellow citizens. After 11 month of brainstorming and public debates about the new constitution and the entire reform process, the young president set Sunday, February 26, as the day of referendum. Almost 57% of Syrians participated, 89% among them voted YES to […]
March 3, 2012Read More
Twitter is important as the largest breaking information sharing source, though limited by 140 character messages. Known as a micro-blogging service, the key to becoming a bold progressive voice in this community with over 500 million users is to acquire an audience that is both large and responsive, and this requires tweeting (posting) quality material at a steady pace. Do not just broadcast, receive as well, or your tweets will start to fall on deaf ears.
February 28, 2012Read More

Direction is currently the most discussed topic among participants of the Occupy movement, particularly how mainstream reporting affects its course. Some feel that leading channels do not always provide an accurate report of events, and create a negative image of Occupy activists. The circumstances demonstrate that now, more than ever, the Occupy movement must present […]
February 27, 2012Read More
StumbleUpon (SU) is a social bookmarking site where it is challenging to get a large, loyal following and content traction. It is less ergonomic than the social news site Digg, less functional than Reddit, and less social than both, but since they are sites that cater to current news, SU eventually will be the place where content can get far more long term evergreen traffic. SU encourages exploration, has a superior interface design, and is a place where progressive activists should spend some time.
February 21, 2012Read More

Regime Change in Syria as a Preliminary Stage for an Attack on Iran As the civil war in Syria intensifies, an intense diplomatic battle is on the way world wide between two blocks. On one hand are Israel, the United States and its European vassals, the UK, France and Germany and on the other hand […]
February 17, 2012Read More