Putting Human Trafficking in the Spotlight

From February 3rd to February 5th, the Boston Initiative To Advance Human Rights ( BITAHR) is organizing a film forum to raise awareness about the epidemic crisis of human trafficking and to promote the cause of the anti-trafficking movement. Human trafficking victimizes millions of women and children worldwide, and should be considered modern day slavery. […]
“Paradise Lost 3: Purgatory” A Film Review

Muckrakers are important. They are good for society. They open our eyes to the underbelly of our lives. They often take us places where the average person either refuses to go or has no inclination to explore. More often than not, muckrakers lack style and art. Style suffers because what they want us to […]
DC Metro Labor Council Backs Occupy Against Eviction

In their daily publication, Union City, the Metro Washington Council, AFL-CIO, issued a strong statement to their 20,000+ readership in support of Occupy DC, calling on the rank and file to join the protesters in fighting for the rights of the 99%. The statement reads as follows: Occupy DC to Resist Eviction at Twin Noontime […]
Occupy DC Plans To Make A Stand Against Police

In a statement released today, Occupy DC makes it clear that they have no intention of complying with the orders of Federal Parks Police or the National Parks Service. ‘We have a dream of a better world. Let us sleep so we have the energy to create it.‘ Participants of Occupy DC at McPherson Square, […]