The Occupy Movement And Those That Would Love It To Death

While the 99% have occupied Wall Street, Wall Street has occupied the Democratic Party. The Occupation movement is currently struggling with the same challenges of any grass-roots, populous movement. Well-meaning activists that have been pursuing these and associated goals (in the case of ‘Occupy’ this would be a myriad of labor, economic justice, and social […]
SOPA: Piracy or Freedom

In case you did not know it, SOPA in everyday English is Stop Online Piracy Act. Its main supporters are in Hollywood, TV, big music, and other major entertainment. Its opponents are the largest Web companies and the legions of naïve people who believe the passage of such an act would impede their right to […]
Has Ex Goldman Sachs Staff turned Democrat Campaigner Infiltrated Occupy?

Through the revolving door from Goldman Sachs to the Democrat Party, an experienced campaigner has maneuvered themselves into a position of influence with the Occupation Movement in the nations capitol. Connections with, and Van Jones’ Rebuild the Dream, seem to be only the tip of the iceberg. For a movement that considers itself not […]