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Ten years ago today, George W. Bush announced his tax cuts. When Bush was elected in 2000, he inherited a budget surplus, but it took only a year for the federal government to have a budget deficit and have to borrow money to finance its debt. Former president Bush described the tax cuts as a […]
June 7, 2011Read More

If someone would have given me an accurate description of today’s communication and information world back in, let us say, 1971, I would have told them that they should stop believing in science fiction novels. Back then there were no cell phones or the internet, although both communication technologies were in the pipeline in various […]
June 5, 2011Read More

Once again, while facing catastrophic problems such as: floods, tornadoes running amok across the land, the second round of a recession which could make the 2008 crash look mild, a precipitous decline of the US dollar, a real estate market still in free fall and millions of Americans unemployed, America and its sad excuse for […]
June 4, 2011Read More

According to a new report from Oxfam, a broken food system and environmental crisis are reversing decades of progress in the fight against global hunger. Oxfam projects that spiraling food prices will create millions of hungry people unless we radically transform the way we grow and share food. Starting June 1, 2011, Oxfam will launch […]
May 31, 2011Read More

Iraq’s Prime Minister al-Maliki was elected on the premise that all American occupying troops will be out of the country by the end of December 2011. However, it appears now that Washington’s man in Baghdad is pushing, in conjunction with the Obama administration, to keep some US troops in Iraq after the deadline. Last week, […]
May 30, 2011Read More