Qur’an Burning Pastor Is Not Responsible For Afghanistan Murders
On March 20, 2011, Pastor Terry Jones of the Dove World Outreach in Gainesville, Florida, presided over a mock trial of the Muslim holy book, the Qur’an. Twelve members of his congregation, serving as jurors, found the Qur’an guilty of inciting rape, murder and terrorism. Pastor Jones then switched roles from Judge to executioner, of […]
Nuclear Power: It’s Like Keeping a Dirty Bomb in Your Backyard

In light of the disaster in Japan, nuclear power has been put on trial worldwide. So far the verdict is not in favor of nuclear energy, and Japan’s tragedy could be a turning point and the final political nail in the coffin of a dangerous technology. The world’s worst atomic disaster since Chernobyl in 1986 […]
Dudley Do-Right Takes Charge In Libya
It’s not the old empires of Britain or France, and it’s not the new empire of America. World leaders, in what seems a rare nod to appearances, have decided that Canada, or at least a Canadian general, will take a leadership role in the operations in Libya. Lt. General Charles Bouchard will take command of […]