Libya: Imminent Military Strike From France And Britain After UN Passes No-Fly Zone

On Thursday, the 15 members of the UN Security Council passed a resolution imposing a no-fly zone on Libya. The resolution is extensive and also authorizes “all necessary measures” to protect civilians from attacks by Gaddafi’s forces. The resolution would allow air strikes, which are urgently needed to stop Gaddafi’s assault on the Libyan rebels […]
Anonymous ‘OperationLeakS’ Exposes Bank of America Fraud Emails
At 12:00 midnight, Eastern Standard Time, the dawn of ‘Black Monday’ broke on America. Anonymous leaked the first in a series of email files aimed at proving Bank of America’s involvement in serious fraud. The access to the actual site where the following information was first posted by @OperationLeaKs, and where the larger size of […]
Libya: Will Sarkozy Have The Balls To Attack Gaddafi’s Forces?

On Saturday, in Cairo, the Arab League called for a no-fly zone over Libya. By their decisions, Arab foreign ministers “urged the United Nations security council to assume its responsibilities in the face of the deteriorating situation in Libya, and take the necessary measures to impose an air exclusion zone for Libyan warplanes.” But despite […]
Libya: Is It Diplomatic Cacophony Or Does The US Want Gaddafi To Prevail?

The Obama administration and Europe have been undecided and divided for three weeks over what to do about the situation in Libya. The Libyan rebel national council have repeatedly asked for a no-fly zone to be implemented, but so far no concrete actions have been implemented by NATO. While international condemnations have been pouring in […]