The Treacherous 14th Amendment Con Game
This is nothing more than a cruel and irresponsible political game. It will serve only to further divide the citizens of this country and ramp up racial and ethnic tensions by providing bigots and xenophobes with a false sense of legitimacy. It is a desperate ploy for political capital by a morally bankrupt group of politicians who lack even a most basic plan for leading this country into the future.
Judge Walker Rules: Same-Sex Marriage Allowed, But Not Yet.
Same-sex marriage will be allowed once again… but not for six days. On August 18, 2010, at 5pm PST, same sex marriages will be allowed to resume in California. In the meantime, the legal wrangling will continue.
Pakistan Floods: Islamists Step In To Fill Government Vacuum

As monsoon rains continue to hammer Pakistan and move southward, relief agencies are warning that the amount of aid needed by Pakistanis is “absolutely daunting”. The life of Pakistanis, especially in the region of the Swat Valley, which was already a nightmare due to the Taliban, the Pakistani army offensive and the US drone attacks […]