L.A. Judge Clears Way For Pot Dispensary Crackdown
A Los Angeles Superior Court judge on Friday morning turned down a bid by medical marijuana patients and advocates to block the city’s new ordinance which regulates dispensaries from taking effect on Monday.
More Than 2K Barrels Of Oil Will Continue To Flow, Even With Cap On
BP’s successful capping of the damaged wellhead in the Gulf of Mexico is yet another temporary solution to the 12,000 – 30,000 or more barrels per day that have been spewing unto the ocean since April 20. According to the Deepwater Horizon respond command center, BP will be able to capture 90 percent of the […]
UN’s Ban Ki-Moon Calls On Israel To Lift The Blockade On Gaza

Yesterday, the United Nations Human Rights Council decided to send an independent fact-finding mission to investigate violations of international law resulting from the Israeli attack on a humanitarian aid flotilla bound for Gaza. The UN Human Rights Council adopted a resolution strongly condemning the attack by a vote of 32 in favor to 3 against […]
Aid Workers To Israeli Navy Soldiers: Get Off Our Boat!
How would you react if an armed stranger descended from a helicopter unto your property? Would you be waiting for him with a cup of tea, or would you grab a bat to fight him off? According to a video released by Israel, aid workers attacked Israeli navy soldiers with clubs and batons as they […]