Oil Spill: Salazar Admits Oil Drilling Lapses

Interior Secretary Ken Salazar said changes must be made to the Minerals Management Service, the agency in charge of regulating offshore oil drilling. “We need to clean up that house,” Salazar told the Senate Energy Committee Tuesday. Salazar said he plans to “craft a new agency” because of ethical misconduct and regulatory failures. Salazar emphasized […]
UN Accused Of Ignoring War Crimes In Sri Lanka
A year after its military victory against the Tamil Tiger rebels a prominent international human rights organization is accusing the Sri Lankan government of war crimes, and blaming the United Nations and the international community for turning a blind eye on civilian suffering. According to a UN estimate, 7,000 civilians were killed during last year […]
Christian Politicians: Trading The First Amendment For Votes
Freedom of religion is not the freedom to impose ones religion on others and the First Amendment is not the property of politicians to trade off for votes. Politicians desperate for votes need to get a platform and leave the constitution, and the American people’s freedom of religion, alone.
Thailand’s Red Shirts Leader: “Situation Is Almost Full Civil War”

The situation in Bangkok has taken a turn for more violence as the Thai army’s crack down on Red Shirts protesters intensifies. The death toll stand now at 22, and the army has designated certain areas of Bangkok as a “live firing zone”. Meanwhile thousands of Red Shirts have barricaded themselves with bamboo fences, concrete […]