Beating Pens Into Plowshares
The biggest problem confronting a timely exit from this recession is the GOP exploiting easy political targets. Instigating a populist revolt against deficit spending when they should be working to fix the mess that they made.
Africa: Celebrating 50 Years Of Independence From Colonial Powers

Time Line The year 1960 marked a sea of change in most sub-Saharan Africa. Fourteen countries in West Africa became free from their French colonial ruler, the Belgian Congo became Zaire, Somalia and Nigeria broke from the control of the vanishing British empire. The new nations were following in the footsteps of Liberia, a state […]
A New Way Of Thinking
The discussion of strategy within the environmental movement, indeed the entire social justice movement, is fraught with challenges that may well be unique to our age.
Chile And Haiti: A Study In Contrast When Facing Natural Disasters

One of the most powerful earthquake on record- at 8.8 on the Richter scale- struck Chile early on Saturday morning causing infrastructures such as highway bridges (see photo), hospitals and of course private homes to collapse. The current estimate for the death toll in the South American country is 300, but likely to rise. The […]
Foreign Policy Is Not A Faith Based Program
Conservative Christian fundamentalists support the Israeli state because in their apocalyptic view. For instance, in 2003, George W., told French President Jacques Chirac of France, that he had to invade Iraq because of Biblical Prophecy. This religious philosophy has guided American foreign policy despite the Bible never being a legal document.