Commercial Real Estate: The Next Real Estate Bubble

In cities and towns across the country, the number of empty store fronts and office buildings is growing. For example, office vacancy rates have risen to 16.3 percent and are expected to rise to 17.4 percent by the end of the year, according to the National Association of Realtors. Federal regulators and industry analysts are […]
Blast From The Past: Are Modern Cars Too Complex?

The current problem of Toyota could be the expression of a wider short coming of technological advancements in the automotive industry. Car makers went within a few decades, starting in the early 1970’s, from putting the accent on long term durability to favor performance, some mechanical innovations, but mostly started making vehicles which were not […]
Foreign Kleptocrats And Former Dictators Living Large Abroad

Too often in our societies, which value more what people have than what people are, money can get people to be complacent to corruption, and even crimes for the sake of profit and greed. Deposed foreign leaders, formers dictators and even mass murderers end up quite often in safe heavens such as Europe or America, […]
The Moral Fiber Of Conservative Posers
It’s getting very difficult for conservative posers to hide the monumental hole that their supply side shovels dug and the unbelievable ascent of our progressive climb out of their economic nosedive. This data set is the Mona Lisa of before and after graphs on the recovery effort.