Grand Old Tea Party: A Strange Brew Of Populist Anger With A Triple K Flavor

The Grand Old Party and the so called Tea Party movement have become a strange hybrid. A political body with a vague agenda, a distorted torso harboring many harms, with many legs, moving in different directions, and a few talking heads and some silent ones. The Architects And The Megaphones The only GOP member which […]
God Is No Excuse
All of us are struggling to survive, but many are working diligently to capitalize on the discovered and created inequalities that sentence the vast majority of our fellow humans to incredible poverty, leaving a minority to live in comfort, and a fraction of a percent to wallow in absolutely perverse wealth.
Growing Diplomatic Row Between Europe And Israel Over Dubai Killing

The rhetoric is heating up quickly between European governments and Israel over the assassination of a Senior Hamas leader on January 20, in Dubai. On Friday, Israel rejected vehemently calls from Dubai authorities for the possible arrest of Mossad chief Meir Dagan. In Britain Israel’s ambassador was summoned by UK’s Foreign Office for clarification. The […]