Climate Change: World Leaders Are Still Talking Not Acting

Some signs held by protesters outside Copenhagen’s conference center said “Politicians Talk, Leaders Act”. This statement is, in a nutshell, a summary of Copenhagen’s short comings. Today, President Obama delivered his speech to the climate change conference. The US President said world leaders must compromise on a deal, and told delegates that “the time to […]
Copenhagen: Protesters Put The Heat On World Leaders

Today, Danish police arrested hundreds of demonstrators in Copenhagen. The protesters are demanding “climate justice” and mainly belong to Non Governmental Organizations (NGO). The arrests took place near the Bella conference center, where the summit is taking place, the protesters claim that the negotiations are dominated by business interests and are unfair. The pressure is […]
Acting on Climate Change: A Moment of Truth for Humankind

Today, the four horsemen of the Apocalypse: Famine, Pestilence, War and Death rode into Copenhagen as a reminder to world leaders of the consequences of inaction on climate change. The symbolic gesture is unfortunately not that far fetched, as the reality of global hunger and mass migration could become the future we face if we […]
Israel Has No Intention To Freeze The Settlements

Only weeks after pledging a 10 months settlements freeze, Israel has just approved today listing some Jewish settlements in the West Bank as “national priority zones”. This is yet another example of the Netanyahu administration double talk on the issue which is the biggest stumbling block for peace in the Middle-East. Today’s decision by the […]
United States: The World’s Leading Jailer

The United States has a longstanding policy of mass incarceration. Recent statistics from the Bureau of Justice Statistic (BJS), a branch of the US Department of Justice, showed that the US has more than 2.4 million people behind bars on any given day, and an incarceration rate of 754 per 100,000 residents. This is the […]