Did British Soldiers Torture Iraqi Civilians?

According to a report published today by The Independent, a British newspaper, some British soldiers recreated the torture conditions of the infamous Abu Ghraib prison to commit sexual and physical abuse of Iraqi civilians. The matter is under investigation by Britain’s Ministry of Defense. “The fresh allegations raise important questions about collusion between Britain and […]
It Is Time To Abolish The Death Penalty

The death penalty is the ultimate denial of human rights. It is a premeditated and cold blooded killing of a human being by a state. This cruel, inhuman and degrading punishment is done in the name of justice. It is barbaric and violates the right to life as proclaimed in the Universal Declaration of human […]
Progressives Seize 2.0 Meme on Twitter
Progressive activists on Twitter have begun organically taking over the 2.0 meme for hashtags. The pattern is growing and appears well on its way to going viral.
Can Medvedev Reform Russia?

Today, Russian President, Dmitry Medvedev, delivered his annual state of the nation address. In his speech, Medvedev stressed the need for deep structural changes to fully take Russia in the 21 TH Century. Medvedev touched a wide range of issues; the consequences of the global economic crisis in Russia; the reforms needed in the education […]
France & Germany Show The Power Of Reconciliation

At exactly 11:00 AM, on November 11 1918, Germany capitulated and signed an armistice treaty to end World War I. World War I is called the Great War, and a lot of people who fought in it thought it would be “the war to end all wars”. Unfortunately, it wasn’t the case. The madness did […]