The Obama Administration Wants To Block The Release Of Torture Photos

Today, the Obama administration asked the Supreme Court to hear its appeal of a court ruling requiring the release of 21 photographs depicting the abuse of prisoners held in US custody at overseas locations.
Hiroshima Survivor Remembers That Horrific Day
“If you cut off a piece of fingernail and burn it…that’s what burning human flesh smells like,” said Seiko Fujimoto, who was just three years old when the United States dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima.
Is GOP Eric Cantor Sabotaging Obama’s Middle-East Peace Push?

Today, in an interview he gave to Israeli public radio, he said that the world should stop pressuring Israel over the settlements issue, and instead concentrate on the threat from a nuclear Iran.
Ahmadinejad’s Absurd Defiance: “Iran Will Resist Oppressive Power”
Today, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was sworn in for his 2ND term in office. His inaugural speech was absurd, delusional, and peppered with remarks that would be comical if it wasn’t taking place in the tragic context of the election aftermath. Ahmadinejad said that his re-election is “The start of major change in Iran & the world.” […]
Could Votes Against Sotomayor Make The GOP A ‘Permanent Minority’ Party?

The Senate is currently in session to debate on the final confirmation of Sonia Sotomayor for the Supreme Court. She will get the nomination considering that all Democrats are likely to vote for her, however it is expected that only 6 Republican Senators will vote in her favor.