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Overdue Minimum Wage Increase Takes Effect

Despite opposition from businesses, the federal minimum hourly wage will get go up $.70 cents today to $7.25 an hour. This increase may come as a blessing to workers in low-wage jobs across the country who may not often see such wage increases.


Is The War In Afghanistan ‘Worth The Effort’?

Is The War In Afghanistan ‘Worth The Effort’?

At least it is for Vice President Joe Biden, he made the statement during his European trip. Biden’s goal is obviously to shore up support for the Afghan war in Europe, and especially in the UK. The VP stayed on message, without any major gaffe, and he reiterated the Obama administration rationale for the new strategy in the conflict.


Secretary Clinton Warns Iran That “Nuclear Clock Is Ticking”

Secretary Clinton Warns Iran That “Nuclear Clock Is Ticking”

Today, Secretary Clinton is in Phuket (see photo), Thailand where she is attending a 2 days foreign ministers summit. She made a statement about Iran during an interview with a Thai TV station; the Secretary of State said:


California Closes Its $26 Billion Budget Gap

California Closes Its $26 Billion Budget Gap

The deal was reached late last night in Sacramento between Governor Schwarzenegger and four  key members of California’s legislative body. California has been in a budget deadlock since February following an impasse between the Democrats, the Republicans and the Governor. The Golden State was forced to issue IOUs to creditors two weeks ago. The deal […]


Arab Americans Chafe Over Census Form

The first question I always get from “Americans” is, “Why do you keep calling yourself ‘Arab-American?’ You are American!” It represents the rock and the hard place where American Arabs have been pushed by the lack of education among most Americans.

It’s aggravated by what I also call the U.S. government’s split personality when it comes to American Arabs. On the one hand, they want to know us. On the other, they don’t. Here’s what I mean.
