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Iran: Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei Calls For ‘Calm & Unity’

Iran Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei had an uphill battle in his address to the nation. He calls on the opposing sides to unite and accept the result of the election. Khamenei refuted accusation of vote rigging and insisted the poll was an ” absolute & definitive victory”. He said: ” When you have peace […]


Senate Passes $106 Billion War Bill And A Ban of Torture Photos Release

Senate Passes $106 Billion War Bill And A Ban of Torture Photos Release

The Senate just passed a supplemental war spending bill for an amount of $106 Billion. Only five Senators voted against the bill with 91 voting in favor. On Wednesday night, the Senate passed (very quietly) a ban on the release of any photos depicting detainees abuse. Senator Lindsey Graham and Senator Joe Lieberman threatened a […]


Iran Crisis: Updates From Mousavi

Iran Crisis: Updates From Mousavi

Mousavi has emerged as the key leader of  Iran’s “Velvet Revolution.” Today, all over Iran Mousavi’s supporters were marching again in huge numbers to mourn the people killed in previous protests. Mousavi is now asking for a new election to take place, not only a recount. He gives a regular news update to his supporters. […]


CIA Destroyed Torture Tapes After CIA IG Report Concluded U.S. Violated Laws

The CIA destroyed videotapes that showed its agents subjecting high-level al-Qaeda detainees to waterboarding and other brutal interrogation methods after the agency’s inspector general issued a classified report in the spring of 2004 that concluded the techniques used on the prisoners “appeared to constitute cruel, inhumane and degrading treatment, as defined by the International Convention […]


Iran: Is It A Lost Battle for Ahmadinejad And The Clerics?

Iran: Is It A Lost Battle for Ahmadinejad And The Clerics?

Despite the crack down by the Iranian regime, protesters are marching in huge numbers in Iran again today. The “Velvet Revolution” seems to be getting more momentum every day, despite the pre-election warning from the political leader of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard that it would be “nipped in the bud.” The sea of green from the […]
