Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s Win of Iran’s Election Sparks Riots
Ahmadinejad has been re-elected as president of Iran with a substantial poll win. With 80 % of the votes counted, Ahmadinejad had 65% of the vote against 32% for his main rival Mousavi. Mousavi had claimed victory earlier, at the closing of the polls and has complained about large scale voting irregularities. Nobody was expecting […]
UN Security Council Unanimously Adopts Resolution on North Korea
Opinion by Gilbert Mercier, News Junkie Editor The UN Security council, today, unanimously adopted Resolution 1874. The 15 members body strongly condemned the 25 May nuclear test conducted by North Korea in ” violation and flagrant disregard” of previous resolutions ( 1695 & 1718). It also demanded that North Korea, “not conduct any further nuclear […]
ACLU Files Lawsuit Seeking Disclosure of Secret Documents On Torture
On Thursday, the ACLU filed a lawsuit in New York seeking the disclosure of still-secret records relating to the torture of prisoners held by the US overseas. The requested documents include legal memos authored by John Yoo & Steven Bradbury as well as document sent by the Bush administration to the CIA. The government has […]
Von Brunn: “Hitler’s Worst Mistake: He Didn’t Gas The Jews”
James Von Brunn is a white supremacist and the shooter responsible for this afternoon killing at the Holocaust Memorial in Washington DC. He wrote this racist rant a while back, it does illustrate perfectly his disturbed state of mind. “Remember, the Federal Reserve Act (1913) gave Jews control of America’s money. Followed by control of […]
Why Obama is Fighting to Keep the Detainee Abuse Photographs Secret
Article by Jason Leopold, News Junkie Editor By trying to block the release of photographs depicting US soldiers abusing detainees in Iraq and Afghanistan, President Obama is essentially killing any meaningful chance of opening the door to an investigation or independent inquiry of senior Pentagon officials who were responsible for implementing the policies that directly […]