Human Rights in Turkey: Society’s Moral Obligation to Girls and Boys

The concept of “children at risk” should not only describe those who live on the streets, outside the family order, in an environment with a higher likelihood of criminal activity; this concept should also be expanded to include street children who, driven into criminal activity, are charged and detained in jails where they are again […]
History Is Too Often Written in Blood

“Only the dead have seen the end of war.” – Plato There is a distinction between history and History. The first type of history can be anything, such as my autobiography or someone else’s personal history. It can also be the history of the bicycle or the airplane. History, with a capital H, is something […]
Lessons from MLK: How to Free Haiti from Foreign Occupation

The dissolution of Haiti’s parliament on January 12, 2015, coming so close Martin Luther King Jr’s birthday, brings forth reflections on the utility of non-violent action as a tool to fight a foreign occupation. An occupation, of course, is not the same as the struggle of a disenfranchised group of people for equal rights within […]
Free Speech vs Religious Fundamentalism: A Discussion of Charlie Hebdo

News Junkie Post Editor-in-Chief Gilbert Mercier spoke about Charlie Hebdo with Bill Bowring, Barrister and Professor of Law at Birkbeck, University of London, in a Sputnik International show Agree or Disagree interview hosted by Marina Dzhashi. Impact of the tragedy Gilbert Mercier: To me, it’s very personal because Charlie Hebdo was really a French institution, […]
Midnight of Haiti’s Parliament on the Earthquake’s Anniversary

Just as the earthquake had rattled the ground under the feet of Haitians, the dissolution of the Haitian Parliament at midnight, 00:00 on January 12, 2015, exactly five years later, has shaken to the core Haiti’s republican institutions. Right at the day’s start, the terms expired for all 99 members of the House of Representatives […]