Patriotism: Extension of Family, Cultural Ghetto, or License to Kill?

“A patriot must always be ready to defend his country against his government.” – Edward Abbey Patriotism is basically an expression of love toward one’s homeland that takes into consideration all its circumstances, including its people and culture. Patriotism is characterized by a deep attachment a citizen of a country feels obliged to acknowledge […]
Benghazi: The Insecure Crossroad of Oil, Mercenaries and Jihadists

There are events going on in Africa that are quite devastating for people living there, although the world is currently focused on Ukraine and another attempt to create a failed state. For example, on the last day of April 2014, 34 percent of the shares in Heritage Oil were sold to Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim […]
Reset of Imperialist Borders: A Reaction Against Globalization

People all over the world, including the Scots, Catalans, Tuaregs, Crimeans, Kurds, Pashtuns, Basques and Palestinians are fighting for the right to have their own states. They want to control their lands and destinies and reclaim their national identities. Nations are usually defined by the common grounds of culture, language, and ethnicity within certain natural […]
Racism and Discrimination: More About Poverty than Race

Only a story about race, sex and money could have displaced from the headlines the sabre rattling from the United States, the European Union, and Russia that had, for weeks, promised a bloodbath in Ukraine and kept everybody in fear of World War III. That’s not all. There was also race and death: specifically, a […]
What Kind of Tourism Is Sustainable for Haiti’s Ile a Vache? Interview With Melinda Wilson

In the wake of natural disasters, or in advance of events such as World Cup or Olympic games, various governments and private concerns have connived to appropriate coastal lands. Ile a Vache is a case in point. For over a century, this 20-square mile island, about seven miles from the southern Haitian city of Cayes, […]