The Apocalypse of Overpopulation and Climate Change: Fighting for Water and Food

As we are coming closer to December 21, 2012, anxiety is building up for many. It is of course the prediction of the Mayan calendar, the one of Nostradamus, and the belief of christian fundamentalists that the fateful “judgment day” phase has already begun with a few potential candidates playing the role of the anti-Christ. […]
Against all Odds: Life Should Not Be Death on an Installment Plan

Some of our readers might remember that, about six months ago, I took a bit more than two months of forced hiatus. On February 21, I had a massive heart attack following an aorta dissection. It happened around midnight, while I was working on a piece for News Junkie Post. The pain was unreal. It […]
Death Penalty:Texas Goes “Rogue” and Kills an Intellectually Disabled Man

Today is another sad day for justice in Texas. Texas’ justice system has once again blood on its hands. On Tuesday August 17, the State of Texas has killed again. This time it is Marvin Wilson, a 54-year-old man. Wilson had an I.Q of 61 which made him intellectually disabled. The State of Texas recognized […]
Olympics: From Celebration of the Human Spirit to Circus of Consumerism

At their inception in ancient Greece, the Olympic games principal meaning was- even more than a celebration of the human body and spirit- a sacred time of peace. The Olympics were a truce honored by every city in Greece. The frequent warfare between towns such as Athens and Sparta would come to a halt. Meanwhile, […]