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Occupy DC: Two Days Two Raids

Occupy DC: Two Days Two Raids

On Saturday, February 4, the Federal Parks Police raided the Occupy DC encampment at McPherson Square.  Less than 24 hours later they are at it again at Freedom Plaza.  Live streaming video of the violation of protesters rights can be viewed here. Equipped with riot gear, mounted troops, and hazmat suits, the police executed a […]


Haiti: Is the Diaspora Doing Enough? Part One

Haiti: Is the Diaspora Doing Enough? Part One

A bit more than two years after the devastating earthquake, the country which used to be called “The Pearl of the Caribbeans” is still in a complete state of disarray. Many Haitians are very religious people, and some put their hopes more in the hands of God than in human beings for help. The numbers […]


Putting Human Trafficking in the Spotlight

Putting Human Trafficking in the Spotlight

From February 3rd to February 5th, the Boston Initiative To Advance Human Rights ( BITAHR) is organizing a film forum to raise awareness about the epidemic crisis of human trafficking and to promote the cause of the anti-trafficking movement. Human trafficking victimizes millions of women and children worldwide, and should be considered modern day slavery. […]


“Paradise Lost 3: Purgatory” A Film Review

“Paradise Lost 3: Purgatory” A Film Review

  Muckrakers are important. They are good for society. They open our eyes to the underbelly of our lives. They often take us places where the average person either refuses to go or has no inclination to explore. More often than not, muckrakers lack style and art. Style suffers because what they want us to […]


Progressives Guide to Social Media 1: Intro

Social Media is going to be one of the central battlegrounds in the 2012 election cycle. It is essential for genuine grassroots supporters of real change and reform to take an active role on this front to fight back. The Progressives Guide to Social Media series will give you the tools to get started.
