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When talking to people who are not involved or even informed about the Occupy movement-thanks to the lack of coverage by mainstream corporate controlled media outlets-they still feel that something out of the ordinary is going on. Even some people belonging to the so called “intelligentsia” are cynical about a movement which they view as […]
January 9, 2012Read More

By Ron Steinman Everyone knows the population in the United States is growing. Because of advances in medicine there are more people over sixty-five alive today than at any time in our history. But there is more to this than most realize. Be aware, change is fast coming to the geriatric population, and thus to […]
January 7, 2012Read More

How will Americans feel when they act in solidarity, during the May Day 2012 actions, with the very people whom are the recipients of the lost jobs Americans mourn? Will they think that their brothers and sisters on the other side of the planet mock them? Or, that they are simply the victims if a […]
January 5, 2012Read More

Americans can either agree or disagree with Ron Paul’s stands on issues, but all political observers must admit that the Congressman is consistent on his positions. In Iowa’s GOP primary , Mitt Romney got the gold medal by 8 votes over conservative Christians’ favorite, Rick Santorum. Meanwhile, Ron Paul won the bronze medal in a […]
January 4, 2012Read More

Europe’s governing financial technocrats are working to preserve a financial system that is, in the best case scenario, edging towards a severe recession or, in the worst case scenario, on the brink of a collapse. Regardless, European leaders are setting themselves up for a hot spring, which will undoubtedly shore up the ranks of the […]
January 2, 2012Read More