Big Brother George Soros’ Web Is Unraveling

Unholy alliance: Soros and British Petroleum’s princes and sheikhs The disinformation campaign about the so-called Muslim ban by the Trump administration has been orchestrated in the United States, Canada, and Western Europe by most mainstream media outlets, fake-left pseudo-independent news outlets, the leading social media platforms worldwide, as well as the search engines. What the Trump […]
Haiti’s Depopulation: A Globalist Project

A full two-thirds of the earthquake casualties in Haiti on January 12, 2010 were directly due to policies that the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), World Bank, and United States Agency for International Development (USAID) put in place to create surplus labor for the country’s sweatshops. The now well-known reductions in the tariffs on agricultural products, […]
Turkey: Land Without Free Speech or Basic Human Rights

A while ago, the president of Turkey claimed that there is freedom of speech in his country and he said, “In my country, there is no problem with freedom, everyone talks the way they like, everyone lives out their faith, everyone dresses the way they want, everyone eats and drinks whatever they desire. We haven’t […]