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Foreign Kleptocrats And Former Dictators Living Large Abroad

Foreign Kleptocrats And Former Dictators Living Large Abroad

Too often in our societies, which value more what people have than what people are, money can get people to be complacent to corruption, and even crimes for the sake of profit and greed. Deposed foreign leaders, formers dictators and even mass murderers end up quite often in safe heavens such as Europe or America, […]


Can Ford and GM Take Advantage Of Toyota’s Problems?

Can Ford and GM Take Advantage Of Toyota’s Problems?

The damage to Toyota from the massive worldwide recall could become more than fixing a technical problem, and is likely to affect the image of the number one car maker in the world. Toyota’s brand stands for affordable reliability, quality and  technical innovation. But now the brand image has taken a hit, and Toyota may  […]


US Supreme Court Solidifies Corporate Political Takeover

US Supreme Court Solidifies Corporate Political Takeover

Yesterday, by a 5-4 vote, the Supreme Court overturned a 63 years old law designed to limit the the influence of big corporations on elections. It is a legal coup of some sort, similar in nature to  Hitler’s Kristal night. By opening this Pandora’s box, the Supreme Court has just rubber stamped the rise of […]


Twelve Percent in US Juvenile Facilities Report Sexual Abuse

Twelve Percent in US Juvenile Facilities Report Sexual Abuse

According to a survey from the Bureau of Justice Statistics from the Department of Justice released on January 7, 2010, 12 percent of youths (3,220) held in custody in state-operated and large locally or privately operated juvenile facilities reported experiencing one or more incident of sexual victimization by another youth or, what is even more […]


UN: Blackwater’s Mercenaries Cannot Stay Unpunished

UN: Blackwater’s Mercenaries Cannot Stay Unpunished

The dismissal of an indictment against 5 Blackwater employees by a United States court is causing a ripple effect and rightly provoking an international outrage. Today, a team of UN human rights independent experts called “for those behind the 2007  incident where 17 people were killed in Baghdad to be brought to justice”. Independently from […]
