Time Is Not Money, and Cash Doesn’t Talk

By Dady Chery and Gilbert Mercier The expression “Time is money” was coined by Benjamin Franklin. It is a relatively new saying, among countless others, that represents the rot that started to eat at the core of our global social edifice during the industrial revolution. With the exchange of clock hours for money began the […]
Overcoming the Global Order of Oppression, Fear and Paranoia

In 1946, George Orwell officially started on the journey to create his masterpiece: Nineteen Eighty Four. As tuberculosis made Orwell’s life a living hell, it was a desperate race against time to write what Orwell called “a utopia in the form of a novel.” Nineteen Eighty Four was published in June 1949, and Orwell died […]
Will Syria’s Civil War Spread to a Regional Sectarian War Between Sunnis and Shiites?

The regional escalation of Syria’s civil war is well on its way. On March 1, 2013, it took the form of a military intervention by Iraq against the so called Free Syrian Army (FSA), composed almost exclusively of Sunnis and backed by Qatar and Saudi Arabia with blessings of the West and assistance from Turkey. On […]
Kerry and Hagel: Can Two Vietnam Vets End the War in Afghanistan?

After a bruising confirmation hearing, former Nebraska Senator Chuck Hagel was confirmed as United States Secretary of Defense. Hagel’s confirmation today, and the recent one of John Kerry at the US State Department mark a departure from the first term of the Obama administration. If President Obama’s first term in office can be largely viewed […]