NATO Is Winning in Afghanistan Like the United States Was in Vietnam

The Pentagon released a sobering report on December 10, 2012 on the war in Afghanistan. The report was ready before the United States presidential election in early November but not made available to “respect” the election cycle. The delay from the Pentagon can only be viewed as an attempt by the Obama administration to keep […]
NATO’s Pending Move on Syria: Geopolitics of Chaos

The drums of war are getting louder from the United States and their NATO allies/vassals. Soon missiles will be deployed in Turkey along the border with Syria, and in Washington talk is coming from the Obama administration and mainstream media about a “red line” that is not to be crossed by the Assad regime. The […]
Jewish and Israel’s Psyche: From Abused to Abusers

Groups of people, either nations or cultures, just like individuals have a consciousness. And like individuals, a civilization collective consciousness records and reacts to historical traumas. History leaves scars on people’s collective consciousness. If some individuals tend to bury personal traumatic experiences under the false assumption that ignoring the pain will heal it, some cultures […]
Will FEMA’s Handling of Sandy Be Obama’s Katrina?

Hurricane Sandy hit the Eastern seaboard a month ago and left a path of destruction from the Caribbean to the Northeastern United States. In its wake, thousands of residents have been stranded without power, food, clean water, lodging and heat. Those who have been displaced have either been staying with relatives, moved into temporary Red […]
USAID: The Soft Arm of Imperialism

Foreign aid is the opium of modern times No one pushes foreign aid better than USAID (the United States Agency for International Development). The agency operates in over 100 countries. New takers arrive all the time, the most recent one being Burma, which returned for a fix after a 24-year hiatus. Unlike the current celebrations […]