G. Mercier on RT: Israel Attack on Gaza Is Worse Than a Crime, It’s a Blunder

Russia Today Interview of Gilbert Mercier, Editor in Chief of News Junkie Post On Friday, November 16, Gilbert Mercier, who has written the best analyses of the geopolitical situation unfolding in the Middle East, was called on to share his thoughts with RT International. Mercier has written a series of articles warning that the situation […]
India: Can Ecosocialism Protect Indigenous People from Capitalist Exploitation?

By Sutapa Chattopadhyay In developing nations, from the mid-20th century onwards, the state and global planners have sanctioned development through subjugation of the local poor. This is done by controlling and commodifying their space, and by centralizing and privatizing commonly held resources by forcibly disassociating the poor from their material bases and livelihoods in the […]
Will the Slaughter in Gaza Trigger a Real Arab Revolution?

Israel’s attack on Gaza: “C’est pire qu’un crime, c’est une faute.” The comment “C’est pire qu’un crime, c’est une faute!” (This is worse than a crime, it’s a mistake!), followed the execution of the Duc d’Enghien by Napoleon Bonaparte. Shortly thereafter, this was viewed by Napoleon’s own chief of police Fouché and French diplomat Talleyrand […]
The Bee’s Vanishing Act

Honeybee populations have plummeted in recent years. Simultaneously, government and industry funds to study whether pesticides, mites, or viruses are the root cause of this problem have been granted to American and European researchers. These scientists call the disappearance of the bees “colony collapse disorder”, or CCD, though a more appropriate name would be CCC, […]