G. Mercier on RT: Israel Attack on Gaza Is Worse Than a Crime, It’s a Blunder

Russia Today Interview of Gilbert Mercier, Editor in Chief of News Junkie Post

On Friday, November 16, Gilbert Mercier, who has written the best analyses of the geopolitical situation unfolding in the Middle East, was called on to share his thoughts with RT International. Mercier has written a series of articles warning that the situation in that part of the world is so inflammatory, with the unfinished revolution in Egypt, and especially the ongoing civil war in Syria, that Israel’s actions might well ignite World War III.

In the interview, Mercier comments that: “Israel is basically playing with fire. Israel has the intention of breaking the back of Hamas, just as they have the intention of breaking the back of Hezbollah. What they seem to be forgetting both in Israel and Washington is that Hamas and Hezbollah were actually elected. So I really think that, either they’re baiting someone for retaliation, like Hezbollah, or they are being very, very stupid….”

Editor’s Note: Photograph by Active Stills




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