Global War Economy: The Empire of the US Military Industrial Complex

Arguably, since entering World War II, the United States of America’s economy has been a war economy. Starting or fostering wars became essentially, independently of geopolitical reasons, a “good” business proposition. The early 1940s marked the start of the era of systematic wars for profit: war defined as the ultimate capitalist enterprise. The extraordinary war […]
Isaac, Gener and Katrina: Climate Change in Action

Like a hulking giant, Isaac has stomped across the Caribbean at practically human speed, for days. Ten miles per hour, 14 mph, and Isaac continues its march northwest and west-northwest, for nearly one week, as if for a rendez-vous. With whom? Haiti could not have been tapped more gently, although at least 24 people have […]
The Apocalypse of Overpopulation and Climate Change: Fighting for Water and Food

As we are coming closer to December 21, 2012, anxiety is building up for many. It is of course the prediction of the Mayan calendar, the one of Nostradamus, and the belief of christian fundamentalists that the fateful “judgment day” phase has already begun with a few potential candidates playing the role of the anti-Christ. […]
Olympics: From Celebration of the Human Spirit to Circus of Consumerism

At their inception in ancient Greece, the Olympic games principal meaning was- even more than a celebration of the human body and spirit- a sacred time of peace. The Olympics were a truce honored by every city in Greece. The frequent warfare between towns such as Athens and Sparta would come to a halt. Meanwhile, […]
America: Oscillating from Comfortably Numb to Psychosis with Guns

The latest episode of this schizophrenic sociological roller-coaster ride which has become the “bread and butter” of our daily life in contemporary America took place ,of course, in Aurora, Colorado. The delusional young man, obviously in the middle of a psychotic episode, probably thought of himself as a “Dark Knight” on a mission to “save” his […]