COVID-19: Seeds of Revolution Grown on Capitalism’s Corpse?

As the global COVID-19 crisis builds up its incredible momentum, for which an apex is still months to come, the mainstream media and so-called policymakers are dazed and confused, lost in graphs of exponential case counts and body counts; shipments of masks and respirators; and the assembly of makeshift hospitals. Everywhere the morgues are filling […]
COVID-19 Crisis Positive Side Effects: End of Dog-Eat-Dog Civilization?

“But what does it mean the plague? It’s life, that’s all.” – Albert Camus, The Plague. Before the pandemic, our world was already sick. Profoundly pathological and dysfunctional in our values, personal connections and, first and foremost, our species’ deadly impact on the natural world and its disequilibration of our host, planet Earth. But like […]
COVID19: Global Fascist Lockdown or Catalyst of a Radical Paradigm Shift? Gilbert Mercier Speaks on Collapse Chronicles

This interview was conducted by Collapse Chronicles host Sam Mitchell. Sam Mitchell: Gilbert, is COVID-19 the trigger for the global collapse of global industrial civilization? Why or why not? Gilbert Mercier: Sam, I’m not sure that COVID-19 can be called a trigger. It is more a catalyst, both in a global sociological and historical sense, […]
COVID-19: Diagnostics, Hydroxychloroquine, Plasma, Short and Long-Term Solutions

The first infection by the agent of COVID-19, variously called 2019-nCoV or SARS-CoV-2, probably happened around December 12, 2019, based on the interviews in late December with a group of new pneumonia patients in Wuhan, China. Most of the pneumonia cases turned out to be traceable, either directly or indirectly, to the city’s Huanan seafood […]
COVID-19: Background Science to Understand the Pandemic

Pathogenic RNA viruses began to prey in earnest on humans around the time of our industrial revolution. As the human population exploded and then increased its density by a massive effort of urbanization, it also changed land use to encroach on wildlife. Such changes continue today, unabated, even accelerated, as the human population attempts to […]