The Stench of Extinction

The days of the locusts have come. Nature is taking a deadly revenge on itself and us. In our instance, the swarming locusts that eat and destroy all living creatures in their paths, are ourselves, eight billion humans who have eaten, consumed, exploited and are in the process of committing matricide on the most generous […]
France Neoliberal Macron: Vanguard of a Covid Global Corporate Dictatorship?

Liberte-Egalite-Fraternite: under Macron’s pass sanitaire guillotine? For the few of us who are students of history, and its aficionado travelers, meaning those who muse and wonder, at times, about how significant figures of the past would view our often dire predicament, it is rather obvious that, for example, the founding fathers of the French Revolution […]
Capitol Riots: The Day of Infamy When Populism Became Fascism

Trumpism has defined, in the past four years, the quintessence of populism. On January 6, 2021, when a pro-Trump mob, instigated by their cult leader himself, stormed the Capitol building in Washington DC, a red line was crossed. The line where populism became fascism by, de facto, taking hostage the legislative branch of government. Many […]
Climate Crisis, Pandemics and Bad Governance: Humanity’s Existential Threats

On the menu: tornado with COVID-19 on the side Since I started News Junkie Post, eleven years ago, I have, as a rule, avoided the first person narrative. In my mind, there is a simple reason for an aversion for the “me, myself, and I” type of storytelling so widespread in our culture. The first […]