EU’s Predictable Refugee Crisis Results from Disastrous Western Foreign Policy

Utrice Leid: The refugee crisis, says our guest, is rooted deeply in imperialism…. The European Union, he says, is nearing to being unable to contain this refugee crisis. He is political analyst, journalist and filmmaker, Gilbert Mercier. He is also the co-founder and editor in chief of News Junkie Post. He is looking today at […]
Gilbert Mercier Discusses the US Election Charade with Andrew Korybko on Sputnik

Andrew Korybko: If Joe Biden decides to throw his hat into the ring, how could this affect the dynamic of the elections? Gilbert Mercier: Ultimately, Joe Biden, if he runs, will serve an entertainment purpose: sort of what is going on with Donald Trump in the GOP primary. Biden might try to cater to the […]
New Orleans a Decade after Katrina: ‘Waiting for Godot’ Courtesy of Disaster Capitalism

When journalists report on a story — providing that they embrace a pseudo-neutral AP style — they are not supposed to get emotionally involved with their subjects. The unreachable goal is to provide readers, listeners or viewers with copies or segments that appear to be objective, impartial and loaded with facts and data. This is […]
NJP Press Launched With Dady Chery’s Book ‘We Have Dared to Be Free’

News Junkie Post turned six years old on June 6, 2015. It was always our intention to branch out to other media such as books, radio and, even down the line, television. A few months ago we decided to launch News Junkie Post Press, aka NJP Press. Dady Chery will be the first author published […]