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Political Prisoner Hammond: When Entrapment and Abuse of Power Subvert Justice

Political Prisoner Hammond: When Entrapment and Abuse of Power Subvert Justice

“Those in power do not want the truth exposed.” Jeremy Hammond, Nov 15, 2013 The hacktivist wars have taken another turn with the sentencing of Jeremy Hammond, an individual who became something of a guerrilla journalist when he attempted to cut the Gordian knot of secrecy. In donning such combat gear, he has paid a […]


The So-Called American Dream Has Become a Nightmare

The So-Called American Dream Has Become a Nightmare

By Tammy Marchand Many families are still trying to rebound from what was their American dream. The good old American pie seems to have been harboring worms that upset the bellies of many Americans. While it is written that there is nothing new under the sun, one wonders if this statement had a final date […]


Kafkaesque World of Data Mining by the NSA, Search Engines and Social Media

Kafkaesque World of Data Mining by the NSA, Search Engines and Social Media

In the surreal world we live in, reality has become stranger than fiction. The information super highway could have produced a completely transparent world, yet the elusive corporate and governmental nexus of Big Brothers has surrounded itself with layers of opacity, secrecy and  deception. Meanwhile, ordinary citizens are probed, exposed and have become open books […]


Supermax Prisons and Guantanamo: Worse Than the Gulag?

Supermax Prisons and Guantanamo: Worse Than the Gulag?

Saturday October 5, 2013 marks a full year in United States custody for Talha Ahsan, Babar Ahmad and three other British residents extradited from the United Kingdom to the US. Nobody in the UK knows specifically why they are being held in the US, except that the charges relate, in Talha and Babar’s cases, to […]


The United States’ Obscene Wealth Inequality

The United States’ Obscene Wealth Inequality

By Gilbert Mercier  and  Dady Chery In the past 33 years, the United States has become a study in blatant and obscene contrasts between the rich and poor. Although FDR’s New Deal helped to lift the country out of the Great Depression and to establish the social and economic policies and standards that created a […]
