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Yoo, Rumsfeld and the Torture of Prisoners in Iraq and Afghanistan

On Jan. 17, 2003, Mary Walker, the Air Force general counsel, received an urgent memo from the Pentagon’s top attorney. Attached to the classified document was a set of directives drafted two days earlier by Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld. “Establish a working group within the Department of Defense to assess the legal, policy and […]


Von Brunn: “Hitler’s Worst Mistake: He Didn’t Gas The Jews”

James Von Brunn is a white supremacist and the shooter responsible for this afternoon killing at the Holocaust Memorial in Washington DC. He wrote this racist rant a while back, it does illustrate perfectly his disturbed state of mind. “Remember, the Federal Reserve Act (1913) gave Jews control of America’s money. Followed by control of […]


Obama’s Job Plan: Work For 600,000

In a meeting today with the cabinet, the president will announce plans to tap into the $ 787 Billion stimulus package to create 600,000 jobs with 10 major project ready to be implemented in the next three months. Since the stimulus package was adopted in February, the US economy has lost 1.6 million jobs to […]
