Occupy Movement: Re-energized and Marching

Today thousands of occupy Wall Street movement’s activists are marching and not camping any longer. After the police attack on the camps last week, ordered by Major Bloomberg and deemed illegal by a judge, the OWS (Occupy Wall Street) movement must either change its strategy, after two months, or it will lose its momentum. The […]
Occupation Nation: Ritual Arrests and Candle Light Vigils. What Next?
Feature Photo by Shasta McBride I learned of the occupation of Washington D.C. about six months ago through a video which featured Ted Rall; the syndicated columnist, political cartoonist, and author of The Anti-American Manifesto. I had read this book a few months earlier, immediately after publication, and, on the basis of what he had […]
Apocalypse: On the Verge
by Ron Steinman With the rise of the ultra right in our politics and the emergence of The Tea Party as its bedfellow, I cannot help but think that, lately, we in the United States are on the verge of the apocalypse. Do not think for a minute that the Tea Party represents anything new […]
Press Release: The October Coalition – Occupation of D.C. Begins October 6th
OCTOBER2011 COALITION TO OCCUPY FREEDOM PLAZA IN WASHINGTON, DC BEGINNING OCT 6th The Occupation Marks the Start of the 11th Year of the Afghan War and the Beginning of America’s Austerity Budget Cuts The October 6 Occupation of Washington D.C. Builds on the Arab Spring, the European Summer, Madison WI Actions, and The Occupation of […]