The Disastrous Legacy Of Ronald Reagan In Charts
The last three decades have seen a monumental decline in virtually every qualitative measurement in America. This can be directly linked to the conservative political paradigm that was ushered into dominance starting with the election of Ronald Reagan in 1980. Stagnant wages, rising costs, decreasing benefits, ballooning national debt, and a loss of freedoms have been the keynote of the Reagan Era.
Is America Already Bankrupt?

The United States national debt has passed $14 trillion. For each dollar spend by the federal government 40 cents is borrowed. So technically, the US is already bankrupt because it has a debt that is almost four times the size of its economy. Lawmakers in Congress are saying that their major priority is to tackle […]
Bradley Manning: A US Political Prisoner Facing Inhumane Treatment

On January 24, human rights organization Amnesty International accused the United States of “inhumane treatment” over the case of the detention of Bradley Manning. Manning, the soldier accused of leaking information to WikiLeaks, has been held for 23 hours a day in a bare solitary cell under harsh pre-trial detention conditions. Bradley Manning has been […]
The Divided State of the Union: Americans Versus The Banks
There is no voice in government telling the banks that they are responsible for the debt they created. The current system, and your representatives, assist only in allowing you to fight amongst yourselves. You get to decide whom amongst you pays what share. None of your representatives, nothing in your political system, is fighting against those that have indebted you. They all have the same plan. They all plan to use you, and your resources, to pay off the bankers.
Message From Corporate America: Work Longer, Harder, Faster
Americans have no guaranteed vacation time, average only 13 days offered per year, and often do not even take these. This is emblematic of a much larger problem where employees are demanded to give up overtime pay, work more hours per year, and make greater sacrifices to increase productivity to create wealth that will likely never make it into their pockets.