Five Things You May ‘Know’ About Marijuana That Aren’t True
As editor of a pot website, I live and breathe marijuana (see what I did there?) every day, and have a great chance to fully inform myself. But when speaking to members of the general public, I’m often struck (and stop that! It hurts) with the wide prevalence of beliefs about marijuana that have been scientifically disproven for years.
Commercial Real Estate: The Next Real Estate Bubble

In cities and towns across the country, the number of empty store fronts and office buildings is growing. For example, office vacancy rates have risen to 16.3 percent and are expected to rise to 17.4 percent by the end of the year, according to the National Association of Realtors. Federal regulators and industry analysts are […]
Religious Assault On Democracy
This is a report of an intentional attempt to subvert the authority of our elected representatives with the goal of limiting and removing rights and protections guaranteed to the American citizenry. This is a report concerning the deliberate attack on democratic institutions as well as the Constitution.
Medical Marijuana Patients Suffering Police Harassment
According to a recent Washington Supreme Court decision, police can get a search warrant, enter and search your home, arrest you, handcuff you and take you to jail, every time they smell pot – even if you are a legal patient carefully abiding by the rules put forth by the state.