NJP’s Olson Interviews Kenneth Gladney on the Tea Party Express
It was 38 degrees and the cold desert wind was blowing down from the Sierra foothills. I was in Hawthorne Nevada, an odd town of a few hundred shabby houses guarded by chain linked fences, every one with a vicious dog. This place is an odd backwater of Americana, with a strong ethnic mix brought by the nearby military bases that guard the largest ammunition and ordnance depot in the nation. A perfect place for an explosive interview.
Behavioral Changes Are Needed To Cut Greenhouse Gas

Thomas Dietz, a scientist and professor at Michigan State University, says that applying 17 very simple practical measures to our daily activities can yield substantial carbon emissions cuts. Dietz argues that new technologies and policies that save energy are needed to fight global climate change, but he also expresses that to implement the policies we […]
Is The US Turning Isolationist?
The reaction in the press and general public in the United States to Barack Obama being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for diplomacy and efforts to rid the world of nuclear arms is symptomatic of a disturbing and growing trend towards isolationism in the country. Former right wing ideas about leaving the UN, stopping immigration, and turning our backs on the world except for military solutions are catching hold on independents, and present a dangerous sign of troubles ahead.
Farmers And Environmentalists Fighting Off Toxic Pesticide From California Fields
Environmentalists and labor groups have joined forces to stop a new cancer-causing pesticide from being used in crops across California. The pesticide, commonly known as “MIDAS,” uses methyl iodide as its key ingredient. Methyl iodide is extremely great at killing bugs, but also at killing animals and humans — causing cancer and harm to the nervous system to those exposed to it for long periods of time: migrant farm workers and their families.